sábado, 20 de outubro de 2012

About San Francisco (Charming American City)

         Bem, já que este blog tem o propósito de registrar os meus sonhos e as realizações dos mesmos, resolvi postar aqui um texto que escrevi em 2009 como projeto de conclusão do meu curso de inglês. Logicamente o projeto era sobre San Francisco. A paixão por essa cidade vem de "long time ago". Como disse, o texto foi escrito em 2009 e pesquisei algumas informações na wikipedia. As fotos, pesquisei pelo google. Leiam para conhecer um pouco dessa linda cidade.


      The Golden Gate Bridge has been in my dreams since a long time ago, mainly cause of the movies that I always used to watch. During this text I will present many aspects of the city, such as its history, general information about the city and landmarks.
       San Francisco is the fourth populous city of the California’s State and the twelveth most populous city in the USA. The city’s population is around of 808,976 people, according to sense of 2008. This place is located at the tip of the San Francisco Peninsula. The city has lots of nicknames: “The City by the Bay”, “The City That Knows How” and “The Paris of the West”.

San Francisco Peninsula

        In spite of the fact that San Francisco had been claimed by Spanish, its territory had a little of European influence. In 1776, the Spanish colonized the tip of the peninsula, setting up a fort at the Golden Gate and a mission named for Francis of Assisi. This mission led by the Franciscan missionary Francisco Palóu gave the name of the city.
      In the year of 1821 the area became part of Mexico. When this country had been responsible for the city the mission system mentioned was finished and the area privatized. California, and consequently San Francisco, turned into an USA territory during the Mexican-American War in 1846. 
      In 1848 with the California Gold Rush, the city grew enough, but an earthquake on April 18, 1906, devastated everything there. After that San Francisco was quickly rebuilt and during the Second World War hosted many soldiers. When the war had ended the place turned into stage of huge immigration and liberalization of attitudes. This event brought about the fame of the city like a liberal bastion in the United States
     Today, San Francisco is a popular international tourist point, being famous for its landmarks: the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, cable cars, Chinatown, and modern architecture. San Francisco is also known for its diverse population and the gay rights movement.
     This time, I am about to account the landmarks describing synthetically some places that are good choices to visit in there. The largest and the most best-known park is the Golden Gate Park.  This natural park has 4.12 km² of public grounds. There are lots of attractions to know in this place, for instance: The Conservatory of flowers, Japanese Tea Garden and the Stow Lake.

Conservatory of Flowers
Stow Lake
Japanese Tea Garden

        Chinatown is a great choice to visit as well. There are classic restaurants, churches, herbal shop and other interesting things in this place. 

Chinatown - SF

       To know a piece of history, going to the Alcatraz Island is undeniable. Nowadays this landmark is part of the Golden Gate recreational area, but formerly it used to be a military area that had a military fortification, a military prison, and a federal prison.

Alcatraz Island

       Finally, taking a tour in cable cars is, undoubtedly, a nice way to see at least a little bit of this charming city.

Cable Car
       Between this and that, I add that if you want to know a different and terrific place, San Francisco will be one of the best choices because it is a pretty and historical city, then you can have fun and at the same time learn about the culture and history of another country.

terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2012

Waiting for the right time!

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